Biography of Professor Dr David Ngin Sian Pau
Professor Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau, a human rights activist who is also called Professor Dr.David is the first graduate of Cosmos International University. He was awarded the degree of Master of Arts in Teaching English on the 25th November, 2003 at the age of 32. At the time the Master's degree was offered to him, the university was called Free International University and later, it was entitled Cosmos International University. Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau was born on 18th June, 1971 in a village in the western part of Myanmar called Thangkaai Suangpi. He studied at Thaangkaai Suangpi Primary School till he completed 3rd standard, and at the age of 9, he went to Ngalzang Private Middle School and passed 4, 5, 6 and 7 standards over there. After that, he joined Basic Education High School in Thuklai, Siyin Region, Tedim Township and studied over there for two consecutive years and passed standard 8 and 9 in 1996. At the age of 17, he passed High School examination held by the Education Ministry of the Government of Myanmar in 1988.
Though he graduated from High School in 1988, he was unable to attend college that year because of the inquietude political situation in Burma. After attending FMA Language School, Zomi Theological College and Southern Asia Christian College in Madras for Special English Courses, he joined a Bachelor degree course and completed his first degree in 1997 at the University of Madras. With all his hands-on experience, studies, autonomous research and commitment to education, he achieved the level of developing an education system called Modern Heuristic Education System under Christian Development International Ministry (CDIM). He continued his education further at a Master's degree level under the same education system he developed. CDIM has a branch in creating an education system under an online institution called Cosmos International University.
The first diploma of Master of Art was issued in Bangkok, Thailand for Prof.Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau, a World citizen whose parents are Rev.Dr.Samuel Nang Khan Do and Madam Suan Sian Cing. To continue his heuristic autonomous research in teaching English education and to look for an employment related to teaching English, Professor Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau went to Hong Kong in November, 2004. Unfortunately, his briefcase in which the MA diploma and other documents were kept was stolen in Hong Kong. Because of this exigency, the MA in teaching English diploma for David Ngin Sian Pau was re-issued in February, 2005.
But because of the invisible evil spirit, Professor David Ngin Sian Pau was severely petrified and chased in a way he could not bear, which caused the M.A. diploma burnt in fire for the second time in Loudi, Hunan province. Even then, he still taught English for 8 months in the same city. After the name of the university was changed to Cosmos International University, his M.A. Diploma, which had been lost twice was re-issued in Macau Special Administrative Region (SAR). The president, registrar and the recipient, David Ngin Sian Pau signed the MA diploma on 29th November, 2005. When David Ngin Sian Pau became a UN Refugee in 2010, passport number in MA diploma has no value any more, and it has been removed from the MA degree. At this time the President, the recipient of the MA degree David Ngin Sian Pau and Registrar signed for the last time.
Professor Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau has completed the Philosophical Doctor (PhD) degree program in December 2007. At present, he is writing a one-hundred-thousand-word research dissertation on "Teaching English In A None English Speaking World" and he will continue his heuristic autonomous research on Teaching English in China and around the world, to complete the Advance Doctor of Philosophy (DPh). Prof.Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau is an individual member of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) and National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) till May, 2009. He is fond of reading Research in the Teaching of English (RTE) , an online journal of NCTE, USA and VOICES, IATEFL's online magazine from the UK.
Professor Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau became World Citizen on 23th September, 2009 and holds WSA passport number 343122 which is valid till 23th September, 2014. Unfortunately the passport was taken by Cheras police Modh Raabuan Modh Ain by force and the police assaulted him. Malay police sent him to Malaysian law court and put him in Bukit Jalil Lockup for 20 days without any valid reason. He has got an international resident permit and international exit visa from the World Government though it hasn't been allowed to use in the country. Since November 2009, he had been approaching the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Representative office in Malaysia for obtaining political protection, employment of his profession and resettlement in the USA that he would refrain from any further persecution based on his religion, educational philosophy and ethnicity. The UNHCR, the only UN agency in Malaysia gave him a letter of protection on 19th January, 2010. His UNHCR card number is 354-10C00251. It was issued by the UNHCR Representation in Malaysia on April 8, 2011.
After an interview, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) of the US government through United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) gave him approval letter, i.e. Notice of Eligibility for Resettlement in the USA on 12th June, 2013. According to the approval letter, his application for refugee status in the United States has been conditionally approved under &207(a)of the United States Immigration and Nationality Act. In the approval letter, based on the writing system of applicant's name of Resettlement Support Center, his last name comes first in capital letter and it becomes PAU, David Ngin Sian. But his name according to his Social Security Card issued by the US Social Security Administration shows the correct way of writing his name, i.e. DAVID NGIN SIAN PAU. By the help of the International Organization of Migration (IOM), incorporation with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS), his flight ticket was arranged. On 24th February, 2014 he fled to Tokyo in Japan and then, arrived at O'hare airport in Chicago on 25th February, 2014 by Japan Air Line(JAL). On the same day, he went to Battle Creek, Calhoun County in Michigan State, U.S.A., and continued research on the teaching of English.
He is working on getting the Advance Doctor of Philosophy, DPh. at the same time. Unfortunately, his professional job seeking in Michigan State was unsuccessful so, he moved to Ithaca in New York State after three months of stay in Battle Creek in MI, and becomes a secondary migrant in New York State. Even in New York State, he could not find a teaching job, so he moved to Fort Worth/Dallas, Texas in early February, 2015 after staying for 7 months in Ithaca, New York. On March 2, 2015 the World Government of World Citizen of World Service Authority(WSA) issued a new World Passport No:352457 as a replacement of the old one, which was taken by force by Malaysian police in 2011 in Malaysia.
Professor Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau received Grade A (first Class) certification of Graduate Diploma in TESOL from London Teacher Training College, UK in 2009 and a certificate of TESOL specialized in teaching English to Children from American TESOL Institute, USA in 2006. He became a volunteer Emeritus Professor of English at Cosmos International University in December, 2011. Professor Dr David Ngin Sian Pau is also the founder and chief editor of the Newsletter of Christian Development International Ministry, and he also worked for Crowley Independence School District, Texas,USA as a substitute teacher since April, 2015. Since his foreign credentials are not automatically transferable to the US education system, he has been forced to work somewhere he can use his High School Diploma from Burma. On 6th September, 2015 he started working as Fulfillment Associate at one of the biggest international companies in the United States - Amazon DFW7, Haslet, Texas. Prof.Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau has been given the U.S. Permanent Resident Card, which is also called Green Card after a year of his arrival in the USA. On 6th July 2016 he, because of the animosity toward his automobiles in Fort Worth Texas, went to Nashville City, Tennessee State, and being interviewed for an apprenticeship program. The very next day, he started working for JWM Architectural Engineering Company, and after three months, he changed his job and worked for Ready Duct Inc, Nashville Machine. At the end of April, 2017 he had to look for a different job for the sake of safety reason in his work place, and Standard Functional Foods Group offered him a sanitor job. His sojourn in Nashville, Tennessee State was ended in the first week of September 2017 as he moved to Grovetown, Georgia on Spet. 8. The administration of Columbia County in Georgia is not generous enough to get Prof.Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau even a single manual job, so he had been unemployed since he first moved to Grovetown. It seems like life in Georgia was more difficult than in other States as he has never been offered a job at a US national company or institution.
In March 2018, he again moved to Phoenix city, Arizona State. In June 2018, he decided to study further at a private Christian university in Phoenix, Arizona, USA. So, he studied Applied Business Analytics at Grand Canyon University. Unfortunately, the unsupportive and inconsiderate lecturer, student counselor, and online education platform forced him to quit his study in April 2019. On July 13, 2020, he enrolled in the Phlebotomy Technician program and started attending Brookline College in Phoenix City, Arizona State, USA. He graduated with Honors (Grade A, and GPA 4.0) from Brookline College and received his Diploma in Phlebotomy Technician on March 12, 2021, which allowed him to continue his study in the Patient Care Technician program of the college. On June 11, 2021, he became an AMT Certified Member and certified Registered Phlebotomy Technician (RPT) as he passed the certification examination of the American Medical Technologists (AMT).
August 17, 2021, is citizenship day for Prof Dr. David Ngin Sian Pau. Before going to the USCIS interview appointment, he thought it would be the day of revoking his permanent residency status. Instead, USCIS Officer Street interviewed him for the civics test questions, English reading, and writing tests, the 50 questions found in form N-400 of the USCIS, and he passed all the tests. So, he was admitted as a citizen of the United States of America on the same day in the USCIS Office, Phoenix city, Arizona State. He also received the Certificate of Naturalization for Citizenship.
On 10/24/2021, Prof.Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau has completed the diploma program of Patient Care Technician at Brookline College-Phoenix Campus. His 160 hours externship took place at Abrazo West Hospital in Goodyear City, Arizona, USA and he has got an A. The overall GPA that Prof.Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau earns for this course is 3.85, with which he was included in a record of Honors and the Director's List.
With the two Technician Diplomas he received from Brookline College, he applied for a job at HFN (Hanger Fabrication Network) Phoenix, Arizona State, USA, in February 2022 and started work at HFN Phoenix as a temp for five months. He was given the position of Orthotic and Prosthetic Technician I. Since then, he worked in different departments such as AmpuShield, Helmet Lab, and Carving Departments. Later, his position was changed to O&P Specialist I. Because of his non-stop interest in attending a government college in the United States, he sent a request email to the company manager he worked for that he would be allowed to study and work simultaneously. After six months, the HFN Phoenix manager approved his request, so he took placement tests to fulfill the requirements and scored 96 for Critical Reading and Thinking, 97 for College Reading, 90 for College English, and 92 for College Algebra, which qualified him to get enrolled in classes of Associate in Science, Emphasis in Biochemistry at different Government (Public) Colleges within Maricopa County Community Colleges (MCCC). As a freshman and college student for the first time in the USA, he had to enroll in ENG 101(First Year English Composition) and FYE 103(First Year Experience) classes at South Mountain Community College, CHM 130 (Fundametal Chemistry), and CHM 130LL(Chemistry Laboratory) classes at Gateway Community College for the Spring of 2023. He passed all the subjects with grade A, and his GPA was 4.0 at the end of the Semester. During the Summer of 2023, he attended MAT 187 (Precalculus/Trigonometry) classes at Paradise Valley Community College and passed the test. He enrolled at Phoenix College for ENG 102/108(First Year English Composition) during the Fall Semester, studied MAT 221(Calculus I/Analytic Geometry) at South Mountain Community College, and passed both tests with an A. He also studied CHM 151(General Chemistry I) and CHM 151LL(Chemistry Laboratory) online at Rio Salado College and passed the subject.
Unfortunately, he had a car accident on December 16 2023 on the way home from Rio Salado College's chemistry testing center in Tempe. As a new settler in the U.S., the accident caused a lot to him. His car was damaged and he lost $26000 on that day. Still, God saved him, so he survived, and he did not crash anyone's car. Since then, he had to ride a bike to go to work. Skillful driving a car to go to work and college daily is a must, as the distance between his apartment and work location, college, is more than 10 miles. Because of its necessity, Professor Dr David Ngin Sian Pau bought a 2024 NISSAN VERSA on January 4, 2024. Because of his busy schedule for classes and exam preparation, he could not renew his auto insurance on time, so the license plate of his FIAT 2015x was suspended, and Benham, a policeman took away the license plate on December 16, 2023. Since January 4, 2024, the only car he has been driving is the 2024 NISSAN Versa.
During the Spring Semester, he dedicated himself to studying Philosophy, denoted by the course code PHI 101, and Behavioral Health Science, represented by the course code BHS 150. His exceptional efforts resulted in outstanding grades of 97.69% and 96.5%, respectively. Transitioning to the Summer of 2024, he furthered his academic pursuits by enrolling in General Chemistry II at South Mountain Community College, indicated by the course codes CHM 152 and CHM 152LL. His final grade for CHM 152 (General Chemistry II) is C, as he scored 75.91%; for CHM 152LL (General Chemistry Laboratory), he scored 90.38% and got an A.
In the Fall of 2024, he enrolled in Introduction to Human Communication (COM100) at South Mountain Community College to meet the Social-Behavioral Sciences (SB) requirement. He achieved an A grade, with a final score of 93.75%. Additionally, he took two more courses: Hip-Hop Music and Culture (MHL204) at Scottsdale Community College to satisfy the requirements for humanity, culture, and literacy, along with Calculus with Analytic Geometry II (MAT231) at Phoenix College to fulfill the Mathematics (MA) requirement. He received an A for MHL204, with his research papers and exam earning a score of 113%, which his professor deemed commendable. His final score in Calculus with Analytic Geometry II was 88.4%, resulting in a grade of B.Simultaneously, he persisted in his role with HFN-Phoenix as an Orthotics and Prosthetics Fab. Specialist I.