Collections of Professor Dr David Ngin Sian Pau
Lesson2 :Week 30
Subject :English (Comprehention, Grammar & Listening)
Level of Students :Form 2
Teacher :Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau
Name of Institute :Cempaka International School, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Objective :Student will know the usages of must, mustn’t, can’t, could, may, might, might not.
1. Teacher's Task:
Write “a strong conviction that something is/was true” on the top right
corner of the white board in bold.
Write “ a strong conviction that something is/was not true” on the top left
corner of the board.
Students' Task:
When the teacher calls out a model “MUST, MIGHT, CAN’T,
COULD, MIGHT NOT or MAY , students should point out the correct one
i.e. is LEFT or RIGHT. Any one who makes mistake will have to do it alone. Soft pens and white board. 10 minutes
2. For Teacher
Write “a possibility that something is/was true” on the top left corner.
Could might, may
Write “ a possibility that something is/was not true” on the top
left corner and do the same.
May not, might not. Soft pens and board. 10 minutes
3. Elicit to students ( Teacher's Task)
Unlimited Present Time ----- on the left top corner. She might know them.
Something happening now…on the right top corner. She might be snorkeling. Soft pens and board 10 minutes.
4. Do all the lessons in page 72, 73, Models for Speculating. And look at
Language Power Book , page 53,54,55. What a nerve! (unpleasant to do something!) Speakers, CDs, laptop. 20 minutes
5. Do pair works and write a short speculation by looking at the pictures In page 73.
If it is necessary, students could refer page 76&77. Questions that can be used: Who
are the people? What is their relationship? How do you think they feel about
each other? Where are they? What are they doing? What do you think they are
talking about? Which of the people would you like to meet? Why? 20 mintues.
6. Home Work : Language Power Book, page 56&57 5 munites

Copy Right©Cosmos International University
Prepared by Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau