Collections of Professor Dr David Ngin Sian Pau
Lesson :Week 29 (5th August, 2011)
Subject :English (Composition)
Level of Students :Form 2
Teacher :Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau
Name of Institute :Cempaka International School, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Objective :Student will be able to understand Third Conditional tense, be able to differentiate the
usages of decision, speculation and advice and models for speculating such as must, might, might not, may,
could, can’t.
Serial No. Text and Activities Material Time
1. Self Introduction Nil Half a minute
Each(20 Min.)
2. Now read aloud the three words below.
Decision e.g. I am going to……, I will do…..,
Advice e.g. You should…., He ought to…
Speculation e.g. She might know them.
She might be snorkeling.
He might… I may… ….
Guessing something without having proof. Soft pens and whiteboard. 5 min.
3. Do Pair Work- Work with a partner.
How curious or nosey are you? Point to discuss:
1. Do you like watching people? Do you imagine things
about their lives? What?
2. When you see groups of
people, do you try to work out the relationships
between them?
3. Do you ever listen to other people’s conversation?
4. Do you like to watch what your neighbors are doing? Why? 20 min
4. Every student must write 2 sentences using the formulae given.
Grammar Point: Third Conditional Tense Is used to talk
about a past possibility which did not happen.
“could have been” means “would have been able to”.
If I had seen the red traffic light, I would have stopped.
Formulae: Positive If+Subj.+had+V3+Obj., subj.+would+have+V3+ obj.
If it had rained, I would have got wet.
If I had seen the red traffic light, I would have stopped.
Negative: If+ subj.+had+not+V3+obj., subj., subj.+would+not+have+V3+obj.
If I had not eaten so much I wouldn’t have got so fat.
Interrogative: Would+subj+have+V3+subj., if+subj.+had+V3+obj.
Would you have left earlier if you had known he was coming?
Call students to write third conditional tenses. 20 min
5. Composition: Now write a short composition which is about 150
words using the three different pictures
Describe the people in a way you speculate them.
Use models for speculating (must, can’t, could, might, might have,
may, may have, might not, etc.) including third conditional sentences.
See picture. (Home work) submission date( next class - Wednesday)
See textbook Module 6, Lesson 22 “Watching People”.(72,73,76,77) 10 min.

Prepared by Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau