Church planting & Evangelism incharge missionary, Pastor Dal Do Thang (Thangno) and his family have been evangelizing the people among the minority group of Wa in Shan state, North East Myanmar for some years. Pastor Thangno holds a bachelor degree in theology and is qualified to serve the Lord and has been preaching the gospel to people who have never heard of Christ before. He is with his wife, and they've got seven children, some of them are studying at school.
The ministry began in 2003 with the help of God's Trio Partner(GTP) Mission and its director Mr. Mang Za Suan(now in Australia) from Mualbeem county. Since then, pastor Thangno began to preach the gospel among this minority group, and started running a small church for new believers. As the years go by, the church became bigger and he is responsible for building a new church now. He runs the church by collecting donations from believers to fulfill the purpose of God in this region.
If you have a heart to give and donate money or materials for pastor Thangno, his family, and the church, send letter and donation to them directly at the address below or send email to
Pastor Dal Do Thang
Evangelical (FGA) Church, No.7, Setion (1), Tangzan City, Shan State, Union of Myanmar.
Or send email to .
Pastor Dal Do Thang's Recent Evangelistic Trip to Kale City
(7th October, 2008)
Pastor Dal Do Thang (Thangno) visited Kale City recently and shared the gospel of salvation to different communities and churches over there. Spending one month for this evangelistic trip, Pastor Thangno had been greatly used by God, especially in his preaching the gospel during his time in this city. In 9-Mile village, Kale City, Pastor Dal Do Thang met a Burmese-Indian unbeliever to whom he shared the gospel of Salvation for a week. The Holy Spirit moved in this man and he came to know Christ and received Jesus as his personal Saviour and Lord. Pastor Thangno baptized him in water in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and he became Christian. Your prayer support for this new believer and pastor Thangno is going to be a valuable heavenly investment indeed . If you are interested in Pastor Dal Do Thang's ministry and willing to financially support his evangelistic trip around Myanmar, please send email to the General Director of Christian Development International Ministry at or
The Cost of Land for the Church
The church in Tanyan is growing and pastor Thangno said to Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau over the phone, " It's time to buy a piece of land and build the church." The cost of land, in which a church can be built in that area is 30 million Kyats which equals US$30000. Please pray that God's provision for this great need will be obviously fulfilled in the near future. Knowing that God is our provider, we appreciate and thankful in advance for your financial support for the church in Tangzan.
One of the most popular preachers among modern evangelism and Church planting missions in Myanmar, whose name is Rev.Dr.Dam Suan Mung DMin., senior pastor of Full Gospel Assembly in Yangon paid a visit to the church in Tanyan led by Pastor Dal Do Thang three months ago. His generous heart for God and passion for the lost souls in that region could not prevent him from donating a motorcycle to Pastor Thangno and his church for visiting church members in the same city and traveling the nearby villages for evangelism purpose. Pastor Dal Do Thang and his family can refrain from peregrinating around which they have been longing for several years for a faster result in doing mission work among the people over there. Rev Dr.Dam Suan Mung also preached the gospel in that church, prayed for the lost souls, healed the sick and transformed many lives which eventually made those unbelievers being born again. On behalf of the Evangelical (AG) Church in Tanyan, Christian Development International Ministry and Mission & Evangelism Department of CDIM give thanks to Rev.Dr.Dam Suan Mung, his family and his church in Yangon for the zeal and avidity for the furtherance of God's kingdom in the region. We pray that our omniscient God, Jehoval Jireh will give hundred fold blessings to him in return.(News from Suanpuu, Yangon via Gtalk on 03.08.2009)
Another blessing from the Lord also came along with the above incident to Pastor Thangno's family. A Baptist church member whose name is Mr.Habat of Lahu tribes from the same city, offered this missionary family and the church a good second hand Television. We greatly praise the Lord for his provision in this regard. Endless thanks goes to Mr.Habat and family for the gift the gave to missionary incharge Pastor Dal Do Thang. May we say that God, in return, bless them with unspeakable joy and happiness too! (News from Suanpuu, Yangon via Gtalk on 03.08.2009)
Healing From Sickness
Mr Langh Khan Suan (Suanhpuu), one of the sons of Pastor Dal Do Thang got sick last week in Yangon but he is healed now because of the believers' prayer. May God bless him continuously that God will give him health and provide his financial needs so that he will be able to go to his destination according to the plan he has. Because of God's healing power in his body, he was able to give the above reports this evening that we also confirm his body returns to normal. Praise God and give thanks to Him for his son, Mr. Suanhpuu.(Prayer News from Yangon on
Where to send Church Planting and Evangelism News
Please be advised that anyone who wants to advertise CPE news in this column should contact Professor Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau, director of Christian Development International Ministry by sending email to or Write your reports in English, Burmese, Teizang, Sizang, Tedim, Falam, or Mizo (Lushai), the languages the director of CDIM can understand and translate your report into English.
Orphanage Center in Tangzan
Missionary Pastor Dal Do Thang and his wife, Mrs.Tung Thluai started an orphanage center recently. At present, there are 10 children who lost either his/her father or mother and found difficult to live in their respective homes. Geneologically, the orphans are from local Wa and Shan tribes in Tangzan city. Pastor Thangno and his wife allow them to stay at the orphanage center of the church and give those kids food, clothes and provide them basic amenities. Moreover, teaching them Bible verses and guiding them in the way they should go also is the sole purpose of the orphanage center.
Your prayer support, financial backup and any gifts to the orphans, Pastor Thangno and his wife can make the orphanage center a better place for more orphans to come now and in the future. Your help for the center is the essential part of a successful result to this ministry of nurturing those kids. The orphanage center welcomes you to involve in the way you can in this ministry of God as financial supporter, prayer warrior or donor!
The land that has been reserved for building the church in Tangyan costs USD20000 at first, and the price has been increasing as the year goes by, so now it costs USD30000 in 2 years. The first price was not affordable at once so Pastor Thangno could not pay the total amount. By the time the land owner increased the price since early this year. The difference between the first price and the last price comes to USD10000 which equals Ks.10000000 approximately.
Godly financial support in this regard so that this need can be met in time or as soon as possible. Pastor Thangno and his family believe that God has been their Jehovah Jireh who will supply all the needs even for this financial gap. Your prayer support as well as financial support are essential for Pastor Thangno that he will be able to buy the land for the purpose of building the church in it. We are going to have a church inTangyan in the near future. Praise God! Halleluijah!
All Rights Reserved @ Christian Development International Ministry
Mary's Graduation Day
Pastor Dal Do Thang has been blessed with godly sons and daughters. Mary, one of his daughters recently received the certificate of Diploma in Biblical Training from Full Gospel Bible Training Center in Yangon. She is talented in
singing gospel songs, preaching God's word, and praying for others. Please pray for her, too, that she will be used by God according to the purpose that the Creator has for.
As in the picture, the director of the Bible Training Center shakes Mary's hand as a token of congratulating her on Mary's graduation day. She has completed the Biblical training course, and she is ready to serve God in any opportunity that will come in the future.
Family of Pastor Thangno Praise the Lord
Pastor Thangno has been blessed with 3 sons and 4 daughters. God has given him a peaceful and blessed family that has a zeal for serving Him with the capacity and capability that each one in the family has, and therefore, he is praising God everyday for His abundant blessings and grace.
God's people will definitely want to pray for this wonderful family as you see in the photo. Your prayer supports to Pastor Thangno and family is essential to the success of evangelizing the people of Tangyan and leading the unbelievers to the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Meal Time for Pastor Thangno and his wife, Mrs. Tung Thluai.
God's gifted couple, Pastor Dal Do Thang and his wife, Tung Thluai are having dinner together happily as you see in the picture.
MMK30 million (US$35215) worth of church land bought in Tangyan
Financial support of the God of Salvation has never been too late or too fast. It comes at the right time at the right place. Pastor Thangno by the godly help of Pator Zelpi in Yangon was supplied with enough funding to buy the reserved land for the church in Tangyan city last week. The piece of land costs K30 million which equals US$35215. As Pastor Dal Do Thang and his people prayed, God sent people to help the ministry of evangelizating the people of Tangyan, Shan State, Myanmar, and He is generous enough to financing His work on earth by giving sufficient money to buy the reserved land for the church. Only by His Grace and Provision, we achieve this goal in the ministry. Halleluijah!
The house in the middle of the land which has been bought is being used for worship service on Sundays and for prayer fellowships on week days temporarily. His continuous support to the ministry is essential that the church in Tanyan and the construction of building the church in the land will be obviously established in the near future. Pastor Thangno and family praise God for His wonderful financial support and pray for His continuous guidance through the Holy Spirit that everything will work out according to His plan and purposes for His glory.

The land bought that is 200' x 200' big for church building.
Full Gospel Assembly (FGA)
No.7, Precinct 1, Tanyan Myo,
Shan State, Myanmar (Burma)
Missionary: Pastor Dal Do Thang, B.Min.
During Thingyan (water festival), there will be a Spiritual Enrichment Seminar at Full Gospel Assembly, Tanyan Myo, Shan State, Myanmar (burma). It will be held from 11 April to 16 April. About 100 people are expected to attend the seminar, and estimated expenses is a million MMK (USD1000). We praise God for the many blessings He bestows, and pray that the generous hearts of the people of God will send us financial support for this seminar as well. We believe that God will work mightily and powerfully in the seminar through teaching of the three godly and spiritually qualified leaders from Yangon, the capital city of Burma (Myanmar).
Some recent photoes from the seminar posted on 04/12/2016