Answers / New Opp./Lesson 29 Ex.8 / Pg.95
1. My grand father made his living as a miner for forty years.
2. I was offered a job as a waiter in a fast-food restaurant but I turned down the offer /
turn it down because I can't stand the smell of hamburgers.
3. I found it impossible to understand the instructions of my new digital camera and
had to ask a friend to help me.
4. The number of cars in our city has grown dramatically in the last few years.
5. That suitcase is broken and now it doesn't close properly.
Idiomatic Expressions and their meanings
1. have the edge over all other models c. Are better than
2. will help you capture the moment e. Create a memory
3. a piece of cake to use a. Extremely easy
4. our offer is not to be sniffed at b. Too good to ignore
5. her voice is as smooth as honey. i. Pleasant and easy to listen to
6. she is a breath of fresh air d. New and original
7. an out-of-this-world experience f. Absolutely amazing
8. our staff will give you a warm welcome h. Be friendly and helpful
9. just sit back and enjoy yourself g. relax
10. Musical chair m. A party game involving music and chair
11. Sticky Situation p. A difficult situation
12. A Real Charmer j. Someone who make
13. Workaholics n. People who work too much
14. Spoilt for Choice l. To have too many options
15. Desperate Measures q. Do something extreme
16. Pushy People k. Aggressive people
17. Calming Influences r. Someone or something that calms you down
18. Specialists o. Experts in specific jobs
musical chair, sticky situations, spoilt for choice and pushy people are idiomatic expressions.