Teacher Training Materials of Professor Dr David Ngin Sian Pau
DAY 12
Grammar Based
Title : If I had 100 Yuan, what would I buy?
Students : All level
Activity :Role play.
Objectives :Let the students learn how to use conditional tenses. Let all the students be able to use
these sentences in speaking including how to make questions and answers.
Materials :Print 5, 10, 20, 50, and 100 paper notes in colors, roll them and bring them into the
How to do:
1. Put the rolled paper notes in your hand so that the student can pick up his or her choice.
2. Now call one of the students and ask him to pick one of the paper notes in your hands. Let’s say
the student picks 100 Yuan.
3. Now he has to show the paper note which is 100 Yuan to the class and ask this question i.e. If I
had 100 Yuan, what would I buy?
4. The students in the seats have to try to guess in turn saying, “Would you buy…………….?”
5. If some one guesses correct, the answer must be, “Yes, that’s right, I would buy………”.
6. If the questioner guesses wrong, the answer must be, “No.”.
7. If 5 students guess wrong, the one who holds paper notes must answer like this: “No. I would buy
8. And the last guesser must choose the paper notes from the hands of the first person.
9. This role play will continue till all the students involve in questioning and answering as mentioned
10. At the end, write some other sentences which are similar to conditional sentence above and let the
students know they can use those sentences suitably.
Copy Right©Professor Dr David Ngin Sian Pau