Professor Dr David Ngin Sian Pau's portfolio of the course work for MA degree in Teaching English, submitted to the President of Cosmos International University.
Subject :Comprehensive Grammar with Text and Context.
Degree :for MA in Teaching English.
Objective :To understand grammar English and natural English or the usage of the English grammar in
speaking English according to the context.
Designed by :David Ngin Sian Pau
Activities :Books to read:
1. English By: Nelson, Gerald, Published By Routledge.
2. English Grammar: An Outline By Rodney D. Huddleston
3. Every Day Vital English: A Grammar for 21st Century English by M.Brocklehurst .Published
by Xlibris Corporation
4. Essentials of Mastering English: A Concise Grammar By Carl Bache. Published by Walter de
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Assessment :Study hours for this subject is 5 credit hours of Cosmos International University and it equals
25 hours. Studying this subject includes practical teaching English grammar in the classroom
and doing self study about the above books.
2003@Cosmos International University