Subject :Linguistic Approach To Teaching English
Degree :For MA in Teaching English.
Objectives :To discern teaching English from the point of view of Linguists.
Heuristic Academician :David Ngin Sian Pau
Activities :Books to read;
1. Let's Read: A Linguistic Approach By Clarence Lewis Barnhart,
Leonard Bloomfield published by Wayne State University Press.
2. Applied Cognitive Linguistics: Language Pedagogy. By Martin
Pütz published by Walter de Gruyter
Assessment :Students should study the above titles and practice the knowledge in
the classroom. Time limit for this subject is 4 credit hours of Cosmos
International University credit system which equals 20 hours of study
though they have a chance to finish it in their own pace.
Professor Dr David Ngin Sian Pau's portfolio of the course work for MA degree in Teaching English, submitted to the President of Cosmos International University.
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