What Is A Good Government ?
by Prof.Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau (USA)
The ultimate intention of a good government
is tenacious to peace and health that incentivize
The Small Poster I Received In The Mail by the Editor
Advance Notice of Correspondence Address Change
Seasons change once every three months in America. As we are in the beginning of fall season, and then going to spend time in winter season around three months from December to February, Christian Development International Ministry will also have, in a few weeks, a seasonal change of address for letter correspondence. The exact address of CDIM will be made known to friends of the ministry through the coming newsletters.
Change of correspondence address doesn’t mean changing people we are in contact with or changing our belief or purpose of the ministry. God will provide, and CDIM will have an office with a fixed address one day in the future. Till then, we will have to move from one State to another, and one correspondence address to another correspondence address time to time as the Lord leads. For this reason, God has given us the heart of flexibility to move on with the same status in United States.
At CDIM, we love United States of America and the American people, so everywhere is a place of blessing, and a place of meeting to greet God’s people. So we love moving around different places.
-for Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Jerusalem Prayer Team International, our prayer partners.
-that the sharing of the gospel through this newsletter will be fruitful and effective to the readers.
-for all Christians in the midst of persecution.
-for peace and prosperity of Jerusalem and Israel.
-that High quality job creation through CDIM in different parts of the world will be initiated.
-for the USA that full democracy rule that doesn’t discriminate the individuals will take place in every State .
-that Inter Continental Government (ICG) will be established some day in the future according to the plan and purpose of God, the creator of this universe.
-for President Trump’s administration as he takes the necessary steps to protect and prosper the people of America.
Newsletter of
Christian Development
International Ministry®
An interdenominational and international Trimonthly Newsletter
Newsletter of Christian Development International Ministry
Mailing Address : P.O.Box 7042
Phoenix, AZ 85011-7042, USA
Editor & Contact Person : Prof.Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau
Production and Publishing : Cosmos International University Press,
Worldwide / International
International Mail : Dr.Zam Lam Thang, 101, building#12, 10th
street(A), Yuzana Garden City, Yangon,
Subscriptions : $5.00 a year. Send money order made
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Email : cdim.newsletter@ciuac.org
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Christian Development International Ministry Newsletter. Printed in the USA

in modern heuristic higher education, providing public assistance for the poor, low-income residents, disabled, aged and dependent children, and adequate job creation that grants sufficient jobs for middle class and working class people and educated individuals respectively without discrimination of their education. Every plan of a good government comes under the protection and empowerment of a strong militia and law enforcement that, in general, support the term ‘GOOD’ impeccably.
There is no place for ‘evil’ under the leadership or administration of a good government. ‘Evil’ and ‘bad’ behaviors have to, although no killing involved, be seriously prosecuted, incarcerated or mortified to promote and support the term ‘good’ in general. Winning election because of getting majority’s votes, if it ignores supporting the term ‘good’, does not instigate a good government automatically. The rule of a political party that has a name similar to the word ‘democracy or democratic’ cannot, therefore, be an automatic good government. Many a time, the name Democratic Party itself becomes a propaganda technique.
The Basis Of Good, Bad and Evil
Classification of good, bad and evil start from the hearts of human beings. Every human being is created to be possessing a strong disinclination toward activities that harm our physical body and hurt our feeling which we call “bad” behavior or character. Activities or exercises that lead to torturing, persecution, beheading, butchering human body or killing people, although the results give a success to the criminals, are considered ‘bad or evil”. Activities, exercises or words that cause happiness, enjoyment, content-

ment and satisfaction are called ‘good’ behaviors. We should avoid bad and evil behaviors as much as we love or like good characters to stay safe in this world. A good government supports good characters.
Biblically speaking, Isaiah 33:22 says, “For the Lord (God) is our judge, the Lord is our law giver, the Lord is our king; He will save us-.” And in Acts 5:29 we read, “We must obey God rather than men.” Because God is good all the time as we read about it in Psalm 100:5 that says, “For the Lord is good and his love endures forever, his faithfulness continues through all generations.” The God of the Bible is the one who rules the universe including our planet earth. Jesus is the incarnate Son of God as He testified himself in John 14:9, “He who has seen Me has seen the Father.” His presence is being felt among us if we believe, obey, follow and accept His law, his kingship and his judgement. His rule is not to jeopardize or imperil, but to exonerate or save us as we see it in Isaiah 33:22 “He will save us…”. But the judgement for those who are disobedient and rebellious to the Word of God is going to be the opposite side of exoneration and salvation.
Proverbs 9:10 tells us that the fear of the Lord (God) is the beginning of wisdom. The word “fear” refers to a specific sense of respect, awe and submission to God through the acceptance of His incarnate Son, Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. You must be born again as we read it in John 3:3. And then obedience to His Kingship and the guidance of the Holy Spirit must follow the acceptance of Jesus Christ. This is just the first step, one has to take towards the building up of wisdom to govern a country. If a person is not a Christian or uninterested in understanding the Bible which is the Word of God, can he or she build a good government? The answer is “No”. It is not even close to the first step toward the building up of a good government. No one should skip the first step because there is no ‘flying zone’ in the building up of a good government. And if you fly, you will never arrive at the ultimate intention of a good government at any time in life.
How I Became A Born Again Christian
by Prof.Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau (USA)
Getting an opportunity to be a new settler in a Christian country like United States from a third world nation such as Myanmar (Burma) is the most exciting thing to talk about in life. But after entering the US, everything seems difficult for a person like me whose profession is teaching English and whose education background comes under non-accreditation policy. Nothing seems working. Sharing my testimony in churches is also the chance I hardly get in America. In Outreach for Christ Church, Freeville, New York, I first got the opportunity to share my testimony in June 2014. Also, I would like to let you know that I love sharing my testimony through newsletters in writing. This newsletter gives me a great opportunity, too to let you know that till the end of June 1988, I used to be a nominal Christian, who usually opposed the word Born-Again or regeneration. My birth date is June 18, 1971, and I was raised Christian. Being a nominal Christian means I did not accept Jesus as my personal savior.
John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life”. The deep thoughts on this Biblical verse generated questions like “How can it be? How can I believe it and why?” in my mind because there is, in my thinking, no reason why God should allow Jesus Christ to suffer that much for the sins of the world and for so many people. . Now I know the reason why I could not understand this theological philosophy.
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It’s because I had never asked for the help and the presence of the Holy Spirit to give me a convincing spirit. In fact, I did not believe in the reality of the work of the Holy Spirit at that time. The literal sense of knowledge about the Holy Spirit through reading Bible verses could not simply get me the metaphor, allegory or a deeper understanding of the Spirit of God.
As a Baptist pastor’s son, I was nurtured in a way I, because of my good deeds, could think of myself the best and the most righteous person on
earth. I even thought about my spiritual being of life after death can possibly be in heaven only because of my righteousness, the best character and behavior that I was able to profess. Apparently, ignorance to the things of the Holy Spirit started controlling my life that led me to think the message of the cross and the assurance of salvation like a hoax,
as I was driven by self-righteousness, self-congratulation, denominationalism, racism, bigotry and prejudice against others. Whenever someone tried to tell me how to become a born again Christian, I used to say in my mind, “I have a better moral character than you. You are nothing.” and turn away from that evangelist.
In 1985, JM Ngul Khan Pau, a well-known evangelist from India came to Thuklai, the town where I studied 8th and 9th grade at that time. His emphasis in preaching the Word of God was how to obtain assurance of salvation
through faith in Jesus, and at the end of every
service he conducted a counseling session for
people who wanted to receive Jesus Christ
as their personal Savior and experience the
assurance of salvation. I attended the
counseling sessions for two nights but to no
avail, I was left with a lot of questions in my heart. On those nights, I prayed for the help of the Holy Spirit because I could not help myself spiritually to be able to fully understand how to become a born again Christian. I thought it was a cheating because I had never experienced it.
After three years in 1988, God answered my prayer so, He opened the way for me to personally experience the assurance of salvation in Jesus. Mr.Dal Do Thang, a dedicated individual evangelist from Kale Myo invited me to have dinner with his family. It was on high school exam results release date and I passed the exam. After having dinner, he told me that the Holy Spirit urged him to share the gospel with me. He quoted Romans 3:25 and iterated the same that God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of His blood-to be received by faith. The limited cognition of my perception requested me to deny his claim at first.
After sharing the gospel for half an hour, he was quoting some Bible
verses while telling me that a born-again
experience could never come to me if I
depended on good behavior self-
righteousness and good deed, He iterated
Roman 3:22 that says, “This righteousness
is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all
who believe. At that point, I could understand
the only through faith in Jesus Christ, I can
be made righteous. Evangelist Dal Do Thang said, “Knowing the story of Jesus without a born-again experience, although literally true, is nonetheless misleading because a non-Christian or an unbeliever such as a Muslim, a Hindu or a Buddhist can also do the same without accepting the truth”. He continued saying, “Total submission and humble confession before the Lord our God is the first step towards salvation.”. “And accepting Jesus as Savior and Lord through faith alone is the key to completely understand the assurance of salvation and to go to heaven eventually.”
While he was sharing the gospel, he prayed that the presence of the Holy Spirit would come upon me. At that moment, I could sense that God
ideology could make me a born again Christian. Because of the work of the
Holy Spirit, the conviction of sin and
repentance came into my heart on that day,
and I experienced the salvation of Jesus
Christ individually. It’s hard to explain how the
Holy Spirit worked in me at that moment. It is
a memorable and significant moment in my life
that changes my spiritual journey from being a
nominal Christian to a true, genuine born again
Christian. Evidently, I can say having faith in His salvation redeemed me. From that time on, the fear of death has vanished and disappeared from my heart and from my imagination. I could sense that my sins were forgiven, and the way to heaven has been open for me. The love of God through His Son Jesus Christ was no more a story to me, for I experienced it personally and individually at the same time. So, I became a born-again Christian in June,1988, and I have chosen Jesus Christ to be the Lord of my life since that time on.
Letter From Jerusalem Prayer Team International
Recently, the director of Christian Development International Ministry had letters correspondence with Dr Michael D Evans from Jerusalem Prayer Team International. As a result, we come to know that Radical Islamists are working to establish a caliphate over the whole earth by extending both their political and religious agenda through the implementation of Sharia Law.
Supported by the Liberal Left U.S media, radical Islamists exchange their agenda to destabilize the Middle East regimes through the
Newsletter of Christian Development International Ministry, Printed in the USA
© 2017 Cosmos International University Press All Rights Reserved
internet and social networks. They have already shut off the flow of oil in the Middle East that collapses global economy. Cutting off the oil supply is going to be like cutting of everything-food, clothing, medicine, transportation, employment and military power to most of the countries on earth.
Former President Jimmy Carter once said, "Let our position be absolutely clear:An attempt by any outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the vital interests of the United States of America, and such an assault will be repelled by any means necessary, including military force".
Let us pray that Israeli government and other Middle East regimes will be able to resist and destroy the plans and activities of radical Islamists in that part of the world that they regain the power to control the flow of oil and the oil supply.
The supreme leader of Iran issued a worldwide fatwa-a biding Islamic legal authorization for Muslims to kill Jewish people. Moreover,Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas refuses to acknowledge the rights of Israel to exist as a nation. We request you to pray with us for the peace,safety and prosperity of Jerusalem and as believers, let us stand with Israel in prayer. Let us speak out against those who are seeking the destruction of Israeli. If you have a chance, share the love of Christ with the Jewish people. Remember that God has called us to meet this challenges.

Last month, I received a letter from Cathy Wood, a prayer partner to let me know that the staff of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association prayed specifi -
cally for me. I opened the envelop, and found a beautiful greeting card, in which a praying photo of Dr Billy Graham, framed with a NEVER STOP PRAYING cutout template of thick, but soft, glossy and black plastic. At the first sight of my mind, the praying photo portrayed that Dr Billy Graham prayed. And I placed
it on a short leg table made of aluminium composite panel, colorfully sheeted with Merry Christmas polyethylene plastic table cover. When I came back from work the next day, I looked at it again. It gave me a different feeling
because I saw the word ‘PRAY’ which is like a word of command, asking me to pray. And I said to myself that I had already prayed day before yesterday.
Again, I looked at the top of the template and saw -1 THESS. 5:17, so I opened the Bible and read, “..pray continually..”. It reminds me
PRAYER is a never-stop activity for a true Christian, and I believe that God answers prayers.
Let us pray continually for the success of our ministries, our governments and all Christians.
Evangelist JM Ngul Khan Pau
(Thuklai, Chin State, 1985)
sustainable development in the tract of political economy, contributing education that yields excellence
Mr.Dal Do Thang, Evangelist (1988)
answered my prayer. The
discernment of the saving
knowledge of Jesus Christ
through faith and faith alone
became real to me. I realized,
with the depth of my heart,
that none of my good deeds,
self-righteousness, nationalis-
tic and racist
Prof.Dr.David Ngin Sian Pau at George Bush Presidential Library